Terrain Little Soldiers

Dungeon Project: Lairs

Materials Used

The Dungeonation set had an number of rooms designated as lairs. The first one is an untidy lair built in a ruined section of the dungeon. Goblins or others have built a campfire in the middle of the room and stacked some extra logs off to the side. A lot of damage has been done to the floor, possibly by the current occupants.

Goblin Lair
Goblin Lair

The damage was carved out of the cardboard tiles, and small pieces of card were mixed with sand to create the rubble in the holes. I've attempted to used red, black and brown paint to represent the hot embers in the campfire, but I'm not satisfied with the result. Eventually I'll make some rough beds from "straw" to further decorate the room.

This second room could belong to orcs or brigands (depending on the story background). The beds are the only feature completed so far, but they give a definite indication of what the room's purpose is. A small chest was made out of a plastic guard that fit over the replacement wiper blades that I had put on my car. Cut in half, they were about the right size and shape for a treasure chest. I filled in the ends and detailed the sides with card and spray-painted them brown.

Orc Lair
Orc Lair

The beds are made out of thick card, wood, and paper towel. The head and foot-boards were cut of of card and glued to a piece of wood serving as the mattress. I made a pillow out of card and draped it with paper towel soaked in glue. It was easy to make, and painted up, looks just fine (the white blanket might be too clean for an orc though).

Boss Lair

This room is the first level boss lair from the basic tiles. It also serves as a basic throne room as well. The room started out empty but then I painted it in an alternating pattern and then filled in an area around the throne with brown so it would stand out from the rest of the rooms. The brown and tan area also give the impression of a dais or rug.

A wooden throne made from a Popsicle stick and card sits on a smaller dais made from plastic bits (video cable covers and drywall fasteners I think). A piece of thin paper was cut to resemble a rug (and painted by my daughter).

Boss Lair
Boss Lair

A chest was carved out of white styrofoam to round out the furniture of the room (and to give the PC's a place to find a reward for defeating the boss!).


The fireplace was an experiment with wood and cardboard. I carved out the brickwork with a sharp knife, but left the rest of the wood alone and let the wood grain show. The fire is just painted card behind some broken twigs. The hearth was made from a tile sample that resembled cut stone. The main reason I started painting the tan tiles was so that the hearth would blend in with the room better.

[ed: I'm not sure what those nicks are on the right wood post, apparently they're more noticable in the pictures than in person]

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